How a solid digital marketing strategy can impact your brand

Eric Ampadu Antwi
10 min readMar 8, 2021


There is a popular conception out there that engaging in social media marketing activities means digital marketing. No! Social media marketing is a subset or just an aspect of digital marketing. It is only one channel of online marketing. These two concepts have been misunderstood and sometimes used interchangeably, probably due to their shared online nature, but the two as said above are never ever the same.

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Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is a digital marketing strategy that adopts purely social media as the marketing medium. Most companies who adopt this form of strategy use any or all of the following channels, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr, and some blogs for the marketing activities. This involves engaging with social influencers to spread the news about your brand or product. This usually entails interacting with your target audience via regularly fresh posts with interesting and catchy content, organizing contests, and sharing regular online magazines and other exciting means to gain the attention of your target audience.

Digital Marketing

Digital or online marketing involves using all digital or online-based technologies to drive traffic or sales to your site or product. This typically involves the usage of electronic media to advertise and promote a product.

Digital Marketing Tools

To succeed as a digital marketer in this ever-changing and competitive global environment requires that you get active in one or more social media forums at the same time to keep up with the remote competitor.

In this post, I will outline some digital marketing tools that will be helpful to transform your brand image. Some of these marketing tools may already be known to you but will expound and provide a more expert opinion on their impact. The following are approaches or strategies to digital marketing.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is a targeted form of digital marketing, which uses optimized commercial messages via emails to deliver a brand’s marketing message to a list of email subscribers who have explicitly agreed to receive promotional and marketing material for a client. This is a popular channel because it generates the overall highest return on investment. It may be used to increase sales, improve brand loyalty, and deliver important information. Any of the following tools are best employed to achieve the objective of an enterprise.

GetResponce is a Powerful and simplified tool to send emails, create pages, and automate your marketing. It is one of the best email platforms for organizations, which fulfills almost all of our email marketing needs. It includes all the features to target subscribers in the best way efficiently

EmailOctopus is an innovative email marketing platform that allows users to send an email for less through Amazon’s Simple Email Service (SES). It is a powerful solution that facilitates low-cost email marketing without sacrificing scalability and deliverability. Simple, powerful tools to grow your business. offers an easy-to-use user interface that enables marketers to generate rich HTML emails and send them to subscribers with a few clicks.

In addition, EmailOctopus comes with reliable automation tools that enable businesses to come up with time-based drip email and onboarding sequences.

ActiveCampaign gives you the email marketing, marketing automation, and CRM tools you need to create incredible customer experiences. ActiveCampaign’s category-defining Customer Experience Automation (CXA) Platform helps over 130,000 businesses in 170 countries meaningfully engage with their customers. The platform gives businesses of all sizes access to hundreds of pre-built automation that combine email marketing, marketing automation, CRM, and machine learning for powerful segmentation and personalization across social, email, messaging, chat, and text. Over 70% of ActiveCampaign’s customers use its 300+ integrations including Shopify, Square, Facebook, and Salesforce. ActiveCampaign was built on the idea that an excellent customer experience must go beyond the traditional marketing touchpoints, like email. Delivering a personalized, high-touch experience is easy in the very beginning, but as a business grows- adding channels, additional teams, locations, customer segments, etc.- the complexity of managing relationships is too much, and that personalized connection doesn’t scale (this is why we’ve all received sales emails for products we already own, been asked to review a product we returned or had disjointed experiences across success reps while trying to resolve a support ticket, etc.) This is why email marketing, marketing automation, service and support tools, and CRMs end up wasting time for organizations instead of supporting their growth.

Moosend is an email marketing and marketing automation platform designed to help you send and manage an email marketing campaign. It allows businesses to segment mailing lists, send newsletters, and evaluate their email campaign performance.

But is it the perfect software for you? Social media

Social media plays a very critical role in the promotion of any brand online. You can drive traffic to your website solely by leveraging social media effectively. You can optimize your post through automation, by using social media management tools. These can help you schedule your post, and also help you post on all networks concurrently.

Any of the following tools are what we prescribe to help promote a brand more effectively and automatedly.

Socialoomph let you do all of this in one place. You can schedule posts in advance, automatically start following people who follow you, and update multiple accounts at once — perfect for posting a link to a new blog across several different platforms. lets you simultaneously manage more social media platforms and more accounts than many of its rivals, but not every major social media network you may use is supported

SocialPilot lets you set up your social network accounts and allows you to schedule posts in advance. It let you set up your social network accounts and allows you to schedule posts in advance

In fact, If you want more subscribers and more revenue from your YouTube channel, you are going to love TubeBuddy. In fact, If you want more subscribers and more revenue from your YouTube channel, you are going to love TubeBuddy

Top SEO tools for digital marketing

When it comes to digital marketing, there are several tools that could help you gain some level of success. But this article will guide you through the best yet available on the market to drive the best traffic.

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, and they are tools to help get traffic for your website. This is the way to “rank” your website in search engine scores, thereby improving the percentage of organic traffic. The organization uses the SEO technique to grow its business over the world wide web.

SEMrush is a popular SEO tool that specializes in keyword research, competitor analysis, and Google Ad campaign optimization. Semrush knows a lot about your market and website. It gives you access to the world’s largest database of 20 billion keywords, 310 million ads and 17 billion URLs crawled per day.

“Semrush is like a keyword research tool, Google Trends, Moz, Hootsuite and SimilarWeb in one.”

Mangools is a package of easy-to-use SEO tools that cover everything from keyword research, rank tracking, backlink analysis to SEO analysis of competitors. It’s great for bloggers, affiliate marketers, marketing agencies, SEO professionals, and beginners. The ease of use, visualizations, and great UX helps to quickly understand all the data even for people who are starting with SEO. Mangools is an amazing value for money if you are not looking for complicated all-in-one tools.

KWFinder is an amazing software known for its ease of use. Its simplicity and user-friendliness make it the most loved software amongst experienced users, as well as newbies. Besides facilitating local keyword research, KWFinder also conducts SERP analysis.

Keyword Tool helps you employ Google Suggest for keyword research. It extracts Google keyword suggestions and presents them to you in an easy-to-understand interface.

To generate long-tail keyword suggestions, Keyword Tool prepends and appends the search term which you specify with different letters and numbers, places it into the Google search box and pulls out keyword suggestions. Best part, all of it happens in a split of a second!

Using Keyword Tool, you can choose a specific Google domain out of 192 supported domains and one out of 83 languages that will be used to produce keyword suggestions.

Ubersuggest allows you to get insight into the strategies that are working for others in your market so you can adopt them, improve them, and gain an edge.

Content Marketing

Content marketing is a conscious effort at generating stories, videos, podcasts, blog reports, social media posts (content) that your prospective followers already have an interest in. It is about writing informative content that benefits and informs your users. In brief, it is communicating to a specific client or clients. The aim is to increase brand loyalty, customer retention, and indirectly augment conversions.

It is a deliberate effort at giving away valuable content in order to retain the client for possible future sales. These valuable contents are usually provided at no cost to help build audience or followership and trust in a brand, and the long-term goal is to grab attention, retention, and to enjoy some future sales.

Any of the following tools are best to enhance your content online.

AnswerThePublic is one of the most powerful keyword research tools for discovering what people are searching for on forums, blogs and on social media and then turns those questions into great keywords.

It’s a free visual keyword research & content ideas tool. Having built up a database from millions of searches it’ll predict what you’re going to ask, based on the information that’s already been entered.

Answer the Public tool also generates suggestions based on prepositions, such as “like”, “versus”, “with” and “without”, as well as an alphabetical search which adds letters to the original query, listing the most common queries which use each letter.

InVideo helps you to transform your content into great videos. We serve media companies, small businesses, and brands to expand audience engagement through the power of video content. This tool is ideal for marketers, publishers, individuals and agencies to take their brand content strategy to the next level


ClickFunnels is a sales funnel builder designed to help businesses automate their sale process from start to finish. It gives you the power to control every stage of the buying journey.

With ClickFunnels, you can create regular websites, landing pages, opt-in pages, squeeze pages, membership sites, and webinars, among other things. And it makes it easy for anyone of any tech skill level to create sales funnels with a variety of pre-designed, highly customizable funnels available.

Often entrepreneurs and businesses use ClickFunnels to sell and promote products or services online. Others use it to supercharge their lead generation campaigns for their businesses.

Pay per click

PPC is a method of driving traffic to your website by paying a publisher every time your ad is clicked. One of the commonly used digital marketing techniques is ‘Pay Per Click (PPC)’. A digital marketer would require the right PPC tools to optimize the campaigns, increase sales and reduce the advertising budget. The Following are the best PPC tools for you to make your life easier:

  • Paid ads on Facebook: Here, users can pay to customize a video, image post, or slideshow, which Facebook will publish to the newsfeeds of people who match your business’s audience.
  • Twitter Ads campaigns: Here, users can pay to place a series of posts or profile badges to the news feeds of a specific audience, all dedicated to accomplishing a specific goal for your business. This goal can be website traffic, more Twitter followers, tweet engagement, or even app downloads.
  • Sponsored Messages on LinkedIn: Here, users can pay to send messages directly to specific LinkedIn users based on their industry and background.

How digital marketing impact brand

According to the UK, ( IAB) digital advert display raises brand awareness by over 12%, and that it positively shifts brand awareness, a perception that may result in possible future sales. Kristanne Roberts, global development director — brand lift insights at Kantar, echoed, to succeed, digital campaigns need to be specifically tailored across displays and on all platform formats. Further research from Kantar shows that digital ads (online video, online display, and Facebook) contribute 15% towards brand awareness compared to traditional radio which contributes 7% or OOH contributing 8%. Optimizing creatives for specific media placements such as social platform in-feed environments generally improves performance.

Digital marketing offers benefits that translate into increased customer engagement and market visibility. This results in future sales and profitability. Digital marketing platforms are also valuable in enhancing the communication businesses have with their clients. The success and sustainability of any organization is highly dependent on its ability to respond timeously to customer requirements.

Digital marketing plays a crucial role in business performance by providing a platform of exchanges where organizations can learn about customer behavior and adjust marketing strategies to meet this customer dynamics. Digital marketing also acts as a viable platform for organizations to acquire customer feedback on the quality of services which created numerous opportunities for organizations to improve the quality of service and enhance their responsiveness to customer needs.

The digital marketing platforms further create opportunities for organizations to serve customer needs in a more specific manner since businesses can evaluate and analyze customer information based on online data which creates a better platform for targeting marketing.

In essence, digital media creates opportunities for better marketing and advertising due to the huge online presence that allows organizations to send marketing messages to a wider audience in a more flexible, cheap, and relatable manner.

Originally published at on March 8, 2021.



Eric Ampadu Antwi

I have been trained in most part of my life as an accountant. The lock-down came and the desire to learn on how to work from home to became strong and stronger.